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Forum moderator: Breno  
Anims e gfx
BrenoDate: Quarta, 20 April 2011, 10:09 PM | Mensagem # 1
Grupo: Administrador
Postagens: 87

Recompensas: 3Carregando...
Reputação: 100
Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 17 April 2011!

anim 330 - Fly

anim 4410 - Veng

anim 609 - BIG

anim 14700 - LOL imma pro with gs

anim 836 - dying LOL

anim 7078 - Ground stab (animgfx 7078 1207)

anim 15150 - JUGGLE/balance WEILDED THING

anim 14200 - Ghost walk off

anim 14191 - Ship! I SEE LAND LOL

anim 14190 - Im toughy stance tehe

anim 751 - Epic looking jump

anim 1110 - MATRIX

anim 2239 - REALLY HIGH

anim 2876 - Mega spin attack smile <- good one

anim 2890 - mega sword poke :P

anim 1501 - God?

anim 1914 - URGH??... RAWR!

anim 2262 - oh your dead walk

anim 2339 - sitting half drunk


anim 3103 - get up/brush self off + 1645 lol

anim 1353 - sitting down/smoking lol

anim 2242 - LOL rogue den hit up bang then back down

anim 2241 - poison gas fall and smooch

anim 1507 - epic looking god

anim 2378 - futuristic chair lolol

anim 3367 - lmfao spider man

anim 14722 - dies then gets up epic

anim 14606 - pro sweep across?

anim 14611 - 14610 - 14609 to do pro combo (hard to do

anim 5043 - epic climb lololol

anim 3838 - epic climb down lol

anim 5822 - EPIC SHUFFLE LOL

anim 837 - backward lay down lol

anim 6655 - LOL weird lifting up thing

anim 6603 - swim haha smile

anim 6611 - normal walk

anim 71 - cool claws pose lol

anim 6696 - epic dragonfireshield blast anim

anim 3421 - epic swim up lololol

anim 8990 - KITE :)!!

anim 8996 - muscle show off lolol

anim 12531 - epic like invisable god lol


anim 6724 - the GODS want ME

anim 13188 - I'll KILL YOU.. k nvm

anim 13183 - PLEASE NO :'((((! (UPSET)


anim 12900 - I CAN WALK AIR :P!

anim 12879 - LOL SPARE ME!!
+ anim 12880 - Dies ^(lead on from that)

anim 12876 - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

anim 6284 - laying down. Hot day looks like haha!!!

anim 6282 - lowerrr wink ^ ^ ^


anim 6271 - JUST LOL. JUST LMFAO FUCKING LOL(use a sc)

anim 5316 - lol the um flares pants dance


anim 6104 - ooo..oaoaoaoa! AHH!!! lol weird light spike thing

anim 11790 - epic looking slide ;o :P

anim 1330 - KEG BEER DRINK LOL

the stance anims thing - pre cool

anim 14640 - Rangers bow one

anim 14646 - a sword one that is pro

anim 14650 - another imma toughy cross arms

anim 14679 - My precious sol/sword/spear tehe toughy stance

anim 14676 - itchy foot tehe

anim 14680 - holding by blade lol toughyy wink

anim 14682 - nice hands on hips movement toughy

anim 14685 - boomerang weapon? lolol

anim 14689 - smexi slender legs LOL

anim 14690 - NINJAH stance LOLOL omggg lolol

anim 14695 - theres a fucking dirty mark LOL

anim 14604 - im ready to strike lmao

anim 14599 - Prey mantis + 145600 to attack

anim 14597 - epic mantis wep hold <- epic


anim 10499 - cool spin attack lol

anim 5815 - pro flip of weapon haha!! smile

anim 5814 - smexi girl laying down wink


gfx 1885 - pro big red shit


gfx 165 - Big blue eletric forcefield!


gfx 2688 - red gas?

gfx 2689 - blue gas?

gfx 370 - Epic Barrage lolol

gfx 569 - Fairy flowers around player

gfx 184 - green/goldy puffy smoke thing

gfx 1062 - spellbook swap thing

gfx 1118 - Zanaris beam teleport

gfx 1171 - weird green vines things lol

gfx 1189 - fire circle thing spews up

gfx 1207 - epic lightning dragon ball z lolola

gfx 1549 - epic blue tile tube around

gfx 1555 - epic ball lightning field

gfx 2211 - epic circles of colours go down u

gfx 1909 - epic purple circle

gfx 1910 - same thing as above lol but oval

gfx 1901 - epic dark lightning ball

gfx 1897 - epic black haze goes down

gfx 1890 - epic circle pulse goes up

gfx 1882 - cool white wiz around

gfx 2600 - epic white explosion

gfx 1038 - epic runes compile

gfx 1942 - epic multi color ribbon swirl

gfx 1935 - epic black eletric rings

gfx 1932 - epic nice ball thingy lol blue sparkles

gfx 1978 - boiler exploding epic fire

gfx 1943 - weird cool elemental guy

gfx 1944 - epic swirls around then head one


gfx 2776 - cool smoke explosion

gfx 2280 - weird icicles revovle around u alot lol

gfx 2788 - giant ice pixel blocks

gfx 2793 - blue circle with streamers going up

gfx 2794 - weird golden birds go up with glow

gfx 2795 - epic lightning bolts come down

gfx 2798 - epic purple circle with gas going around

gfx 2801 - epic realistic explosion

gfx 2391 - epic blue spin around then explosion feet

gfx 281 - cool lightning goes down, erupts out

gfx 312 - cool leprehcaun teleport magic thing

gfx 314 - epic vines from ground - evil tree

gfx 351 - weird guy jumping up and down lol zombie

gfx 381 - epic black vine things up

gfx 437 - epic red/white tube goes down

gfx 715 - pharophs teleport

gfx 1601 - epic blue boom lol

gfx 1604 - Blue hand lightning up

gfx 1333 - whirl wind lol

gfx 1638 - epic red circle thing

gfx 2015 - epic blue swirls then shoot up

gfx 2034 - BUNNY SUIT UP

gfx 2035 - BUNNY SUIT DOWN

gfx 2036 - MASSIVE EGG :D!


animgfx 5864 1898 - FUCKING EPIC

animgfx 7073 1223 - Bandos gs spec
animgfx 7071 1220 - saradomin gs spec
animgfx 7074 1222 - aramdyl gs spec
animgfx 7070 1221 - Zamorak gs spec

animgfx 6601 1118 - zanris teleport

animgfx 4410 165 - Epic looking veng forcefield
+ gfx 166 (to end the combo and make it look cool)

animgfx 6064 1034 - teleport goblin place

animgfx 7078 165 - ground stab forcefield

animgfx 10303 1793 - JUGGLE LOL

animgfx 10303 1785 - juggle fire pins!

animgfx 12584 2262 - slam to the ground thing

animgfx 12584 1551 - slam to the ground earthquake

animgfx 13652 2602 - dungeon teleport

- -

animgfx 6299 1062 - spell book swap epic :P

animgfx 6298 1063 - plank make :P

animgfx 6294 1061 - Humidify - Rain thing :P

animgfx 6293 1060 - stat spy :P

anim 6295 - to get down :P
+ anim 6296 - to have anim/moving character while on ground
+ anim 6297 - to get up

- -

animgfx 10961 1950 - Dragon claws spec!!!

animgfx 12565 2226 - TURMOIL

animgfx 13845 1966 - FALADOR SHIELD 3

animgfx 9104 1604 - Lightning(sickel<-(lol)

animgfx 8996 1638 - Fog anim red circle thing lol

(have dfs equiped)

animgfx 4001 666 - Picked up by claw ;o?

_ _ _ _ _ _

animgfx 4979 829 - PRAYER

animgfx 4937 812 - FLETCH

animgfx 4939 813 - MAGIC

animgfx 4941 814 - MINING

animgfx 4975 831 - FIREMAKING

animgfx 4943 815 - SMITHING

animgfx 4947 817 - RUNECRAFT

animgfx 4949 818 - CRAFTING

animgfx 4951 819 - FISHING

animgfx 4953 820 - CONSTRUCTION

animgfx 4955 821 - COOKING

animgfx 4957 822 - WOODCUTTING

animgfx 4959 823 - ATTACK

animgfx 4961 824 - DEFENCE

animgfx 4963 825 - FARMING

animgfx 4965 826 - THIEVE

animgfx 4967 827 - SLAYER

animgfx 4969 835 - HERB

animgfx 4973 832 - RANGE

animgfx 4977 830 - AGILITY

animgfx 4981 828 - STRENGTH

animgfx 5158 907 - HUNTING

animgfx 4945 816 - QUEST

animgfx 8525 1515 - SUMMONING

animgfx 13190 2442 - DUNGEONEERING - Doesnt work right

BrenoDate: Sexta, 22 April 2011, 3:26 PM | Mensagem # 2
Grupo: Administrador
Postagens: 87

Recompensas: 3Carregando...
Reputação: 100
Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 17 April 2011!


744 - fast monkey bar cross emote
745 - part of the monkey bar crossing emote (right arm back)
746 - Pipe climb starting emote
747 - entrance part of pipe emote, (non-animated)
748 - Pipe climb exiting emote
749 - full pipe climb emote, only in one sq though
770 - Falling emote, as if off of a rope or log (agility)
839 - Climb over something
844 - Crawling
1110 - MATRIX
1114 - hit by darts
1115 - jumping over spikes or rocks
1117 - part of hand holds
1118 - " "
1119 - falling from hand holds
1120 - hand holds
1125 - hit by rocks + stumbles back
2239 - BOOM!!! shoots in the air - rogues den
2240 - going through bent bars - rogues den
2241 - poison gas - rogues den
2242 - launch in air, hit floor - rogues den
2243 - disable wall trap - rogues den
2244 - disable floor trap - rogues den
2245 - side wall trap? - rogues den
2246 - picking lock - roges den
2247 - listening to lock - rogues den
2750 - jump over fence emote
2753 - huge jump to side
2761 - jumping jacks - Drill seargent random
2756 - Push-Ups - Drill seargent random
2763 - sit-ups - Drill seargent random
2764 - jog in place - Drill seargent random
3063 - climb up a wall, then climb down
3067 - jumping over something, landing nicely
3068 - jumping over something, not landing very nicely...
3094 - looses balance falls forward


402 - Dragon Dagger stab emote
403 - Block with shield defensive emote
404 - Block no shield defensive emote
405 - Dragon spear special
406 - 2h crush style emote
407 - 2h slash style emote
408 - Scythe 'REAP' attack style
410 - Defensive block when 2h weapon equiped
412 - Stab
422 - PUNCH
423 - KICK
424 - Fore-arm block
440 - Halberd "Slash" attack style
451 - Slash attack style (longsword, shortsword, ect.)
1060 - drag mace spec
1658 - Whip attack
1659 - Whip block
1660 - Whip walk
1661 - Whip run
1662 - Granite Maul stand
1663 - Granite Maul walk
1664 - Granite Maul run
1665 - Granite maul attack
1666 - Granite Maul block
1667 - Granite Maul special
1833 - drag baxe attack
2316 - standing holding toad shooter (fixed defice)
2318 - walking holding toad shooter
2323 - kick attack while wielding fixed device
2876 - DRAG AXE SPEC!!
2910 - spinning something and then throwing it
2927 - twirling weapon then hitting something
3157 - Dragon 2h special


2060 - veracs walk
2061 - veracs standing
2062 - veracs attack!!
2063 - veracs block
2064 - dharoks walk
2065 - dharoks standing
2066 - dharoks crush
2067 - dharoks slash
2068 - torags attack
2074 - karils holding bow
2075 - karils shooting
2076 - karils walking
2077 - karils running
2078 - ahrims attack non-magic
2079 - ahrims block
2080 - guthans 'poke'?
2081 - guthans slash
2082 - guthans crush


712 - Low Alch
713 - High Alch
714 - Teleport emote
716 - Curse, Weaken, or Confuse
722 - Superheat
724 - Crumble Undead
729 - Curse, Weaken, or Confuse
811 - CHARGE
1816 - teleother - person being teled
1818 - teleother - cast on player
1819 - teleblock - cast
1820 - teleblock - cast


0426 - Range (Bow)
0427 - Range (Cross-Bow)

<Holiday Items>

1457 - yo-yo
1458 - spin - yo-yo
1459 - walk yo-yo emote
1460 - crazy yo-yo
1835 - chicken dance
1836 - SKIPPING!!!
2840 - ALAS emote
2844 - SHOW HEAD EMOTE 'Muahahahah'
3003 - marionette jump
3004 - marionette walk
3005 - marionette bow
3006 - mationette dance
3007 - shaking the imps emote

<Standard \ Mime>

855 - Yes
856 - No
857 - Thinking
858 - Bow
859 - Angry
860 - Cry
861 - Laugh
862 - Cheer
863 - Wave
864 - Beckon
865 - Clap
866 - Dance
2105 - panic emote
2106 - slow jig emote
2107 - spin emote
2108 - headbang emote
2109 - joy jump emote
2110 - rasp' berry emote
2111 - yawn emote
2112 - salute emote
2113 - shrug emote
1129 - LEAN - MIME


439 - lol SPIN ATTACK
505 - Arms dislocate and revolve around you... well would ya look at that...
528 - WHIRLPOOL!!! *cough* *choke* *gurggle*
725 - Looks like you're holding onto something that's floating over top of you, you grab it, and then let it go and stumble forward
734 - Wall Monster attack without spiney helmet on
750 - Looks like you're pushed by someone, 2 squares backward, and you stumble
755 - Skate boarding rofl, facing right
760 - Turn Right and face plant rofl
812 - CHARGE (as a ghost?)
837 - ROFL Drop dead
841 - Walking invisible
1375 - blinking
1500 - FLoats up
1501 - 'God' - continuation of 1500
1654 - dies in chair
1655 - motionless, dies in chair
1656 - leans back in chair
1739 - walking like holding somethign on back
1745 - walking stomp
1765-1769 - Straight up funny
1770 - HILARIOUS ( makes it look like you have a big cock )
1746 - crazy lol, funny!
1811 - twitch - push stand
1851 - super man
1861 - glare to right
1914 - uurghh... raawr!!!!
1938 - head throbbing
1950 - falling in pyramid - Desert treasure
1972 - evil laugh emote
2256 - arms crossed
2262 - flying carpet - take off
2264 - flying carpet - landing
2339 - sitting moving arms
2340 - falls backwards while sitting down
2383 - twitching
2390 - backstepping, something in face?
2555 - fairy kick
2588 - jumping in the air
2592 - stand sideways and knod head
2769 - walking drunk
2770 - drunk
2780 - throws item in hand in the air
2720 - scrapes the air with a weapon?
2797 - holds sword weird and angry emote..
2820 - dying emote + fades away..
2895 - flying away
2939 - sitting, as if on a throne
2968 - something
2995 - face plant
3001 - boot to the nuts
3040 - standing drunk
3039 - walking drunk


618 - Harpoon fishing (slight paus)
619 - Lobster pot fishing
622 - Fishing Rod fishing
625 - Mining emote (one of them)
645 - Praying at Alter emote
733 - Lighting Logs Emote
776 - Pull rope emote from waterfall
791 - Runecrafting emote
794 - Balloon Stomp
804 - Disapearing when jumping into puddle at mage arena
827 - Burying Bones emote
831 - Digging emote
875 - Woodcutting emote
881 - Pickpocket emote
883 - Cooking (range)
884 - Blowing Glass
885 - Cutting gems
894 - Spinning wheel
897 - Cooking (fire)
898 - Smithing (anvil)
899 - Smelting (furnace)
921 - toy horsey emote
1327 - drinking beer!
1329 - KEG!
1330 - " "
1331 - Kneeling
1332 - Kneeling
1350 - reading
1351 - sitting looking down
1352 - sitting using think emote
1353 - sitting and smoking
1461 - bending down 1
1462-1470 - bending down cape waving
1502 - swim?
1540 - punch in the air, floating
1542 - ""
1648 - cranking wheel ectophuntus
1649 - putting bones into machine
1651 - ectophuntus pray emote
1652 - ""
1670 - prayer book preach
1810 - wall monster caught by head
1877 - snake charmer
1895 - sneaks a peek at something
1902 - Spinning plate
1906 - dropping
1911 - turning head to the right
1913 - breathing hard
1914 - breaking out of something
1991-1997 - some weird ones
2046-2048 - in the air doing somethin2g
2273 - raking - farming
2304 - dead emote
2306 - jumping on something alot then jjumping off
2338 - on knees looking foward
2389 - ti bwoi wanna or w\e.. thing
2400 - rants then takes a knee
2412 - dr jekkel emote!
3129 - holding on to something like you're flying
3141 - turning pages in a book
3103 - sits up brushes self off
3114 - rises from the grave!


1978 - Blitz
1979 - Barrage

0 = tripple dragon breath
1 = single dragon breath
2 = huge white breath
3 = huge green breath
4 = lots of purple spikes ( like delright when defeated )
5 = purple spikes doing down ( delright dying )
6 = like teleport, only slower and more opaque
7 = small purple dot, explodes into huge, then gets small
8 = vines like at draynor manner ( they atk you )
18 = iron arrows draw back
19 = bronze arrow draw back
20 = steel arrow draw back
21 = mith arrow draw back
22 = addy arrow draw back
23 = iron again?
24 = rune arrow draw back
25 = ice arrow draw back
26 = fire arrow draw
28 = cross-bow bolt
29 = rotten tomatoe - projectile
30 = rotten tomatoe - throw
31 = rotten tomatoe - contact with target
35 = iron throw axe
36 = bronze throw axe
37 = steel throwing axe
38 = mith throwing axe
39 = addy throwing axe
40 = bronze throwing axe again?
41 = rune throwing axe
49-52 = something with a grey vial
54 = giant blast
57 = giant cage door - down
58 = giant cage door - up
60 = rocks falling
61 = giant log swinging
62 = spikes coming out of a wall trap
65 = floor trap - hit
66 = floor trap - receeding
67 = long rape or pole shooting throw you
68 = huge splash - water
69 = huge splash - orange
76 = saradomin strike
77 = claws of guthix
78 = flames of zamorak
79 = 3 green things above head, then fly away
80 = 'stun' birdies above head
81 = bull roarer ( from legends quest )
82 = two purple squiggles in front of you, like what the spinners do in pest control
83 = giant tentical - blood red
84 = stars around you - monks healing
85 = magic spell splash
86 = puff of smoke, whan a random appears \ disapears
87 = red spikes from iban blast
88 = iban blast - projectile skull
89 = iban blast - contact with target
90-101 = standard strike spells, pre-fire, projectile, contact etc.
102-110 = standard 3 basic curse spells, pre-fire, projectile, contact etc.
111 = very light teleport graphic
112 = low alchemy
113 = high alchemy
114 = enchant low level necklace
115 = enchant medium level necklace
116 = enchant high level mecklace
117-128 = bolt spell graphics, you know the rest
129-140 = blast spell graphics
141 = bones to bananas
142-144 = telegrab graphics
145-147 = crumble undead graphics
148 = super heat
149 = powering water orb
150 = powering air orb
151 = powering earth orb
152 = powering fire orb
153 = enchant necklace - 1 glow ( alittle different than before )
154 = enchant necklace - 2 glow ( same as above, with 2 glows )
155-166 = wave spell graphics
167-174 = high lvl curse spells
176 = exploding vial?
177 = bind\snare\entangle - pre
178 = bind\snare\entangle - projectile
179 = bind - contact with target - yellowish
180 = snare - contact with target - white
181 = entangle - contact with target - grey
182 = spear projectile - giant gnome cross-bow
183 = spear shattering - giant gnome cross-bow
184 = green puff of smoke ( like decaying in morytania swamps )
186 = runecrafting graphic
187 = claws of guthix - yellow
188 = big puff of smoke, fatter lol
189 = MASSIVE puff of smoke
190 = massive purple teleport, more oval shaped
191 = massive teleport above head, round
192 = enchanted vial - projectile
193 = enchanted vial - pre-launch
194 = BLACK SPELL - pre-launch
195 = BLACK SPELL - projectile
196 = BLACK SPELL - contact
197 = Awsome blue and black fire
198 = big blue and white wave spell contact
199 = Fireworks ( when a lvl is gained )
206-211 = javalin graphics
219-225 = throwing knives graphics
232-237 = throwing darts graphics
238 = enchant ring
239 = barrel falling apart
240 = exploding toad
241 = filling toad with bellows
243 = giant ogre arrow - draw back
244 = elemental shield appearing
245 = birdies above head
246 = red portal glow - zammy - Drag Baxe Special
247 = blue purple glow - sara - Excaliber Special
248 = Dragon Longsword SPECIAL
250 = Magic Longbow SPECIAL
251 = Dragon Mace SPECIAL
252 = Dragon Dagger SPECIAL
253 = Dragon Spear SPECIAL
254 = Stun birdies again, from dragon spear special
255 = green protection graphic - from morytania swamps
256 = Magic Shortbow SPECIAL
257 = steel throwing axe - different attack mode
258 = Throwing Axe SPECIAL
259 = same as 255
263 = smalls stars - silver sickle(b)
264 = smalls stars 2 - silver sickle(b)
265 = white ghost flys in air - ghasts - morytania swamps
266 = big green blast - ghasts - morytania swamps
267 = bright green puff of stuff
268 = projectile - ghast atk's and you have a pouch - pouch attacks
269 = first contact - goes with above
270 = karamja agility course - poison darts
271 = karamja agility course - falling rocks
274 = Rune Claw SPECIAL
275 = big rock flying away?
277 = "Zzz" l0l above your head
278 = huge blue jaws in front - like bug jaws
279 = small blue jaws above head - like bug
280 = small white star projectile - like weaken ( instead of purple its white )
281 = small white star contact - same as above
282 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - in front
283 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - behind you
284 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - to your left
285 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - to your right
286 = big tar barrel - steaming
287 = big tar barrel - EXPLOSION - awsomenesssss
291 = more birdies
292 = dim'ish flames of zammy
293 = white ghost body - goes spread eagle - fades away
301 = light teleport graphic
302 = rocks falling on head
303 = medium sized stone falling down on head
305 = dark grey and greenish blast - ew
306 = Dragon Dagger SPECIAL - in PURPLE - pimp
307 = steel pickaxe goes up
308 = teleport graphic
309 = spinning steel pickaxe
310 = dust cloud around head
311 = two blood red orbs go up then combine, almost like bones to bananas
325 = broad arrow drawback
327 = white stuff *looks like dandrif* falls out of air
328 = slayer dart - projectile
329 = slayer dart - contact
330 = slayer dart - projectile - slightly better looking
331 = slayer dart - contact - same as above - slight color change
332 = Purple portal glow
333 = redish looking special att thing that is all around you and rises into the air?
334 = small green glow
335 = medium green glow
336 = large green glow
336 = large green glow
337 = white bar or something goes through you?
338 = stick goes in air and falls
339 = big splash - magic spell failure
340 = white special attack of somekind, looks like half of the d hally spec
341 = Abyssal Whip SPECIAL
342 = Teleother - person accepts teleport
343 = Teleother - person casts on another player
344 = Teleblock - Projectile
345 = Teleblock - Contact on target
346 = um.. fire blast with a ring around it?
347 = Dragon Scimitar SPECIAL
348 = once again.. birdies
349 = "Zzz" tired thing
350 = Flock of black birds
351 = zombie jumps in the air and lands and looks forward
352 = zombie laying down - jumps up - lands and looks forward
353 = white transparent cylinder above head
354 = two puffs of smoke above head, join together and go down body
358 = same as 353
359 = huge air wave - contact
360-361 = Ancients - Ice Rush
362-363 = Ancients - Ice Burst
364 = Ice Burst - BIG
365 = Ice Burst - BIGGER than BIG
366-368 = Ancients - Ice Blitz
369 = Ancients - Ice barrage (normal)
370 = Ancients - Ice barrage (huge)
373-377 = Ancients - Blood Spells
378-382 = Ancients - Shadow Spells
383-391 = Ancients - Smoke Spells
392 = Ancients - Teleport
393 = KBD = red projectile
394 = KBD = green projectile
395 = KBD = white projectile
396 = KBD = blue projectile
398 = Guthan Special
399 = Torags Special
400 = Ahrims Special
401 = Karils Special
402 = green puff of smoke
405 = dark green rocks falling
406 = Huge rock falls on you
409 = Abyssal demons teleport
410 = small water drops
412 = Big Apple barrel lol
413 = Big Rotten Apple barrel
414 = Big Apple barrel turns turns to mush
415 = Big rotten apple barrel turns to much
416 = Toad floating and spinning
417 = toad exploding
418 = blue toad floading a spinning
419 = blue toad exploding
420 = red toad spinning
421 = red toad exploding
422 = yellow toad spinning
423 = yellow toad exploding
424 = green toad spinning
425 = green toad exploding
426 = Stars spinning around head
427 = something exploding, small peices
429 = small bright green spell contact?
430 = small bright red spell contact
431 = small white spell contact
432 = skeleton dying - bank robbery vid
433 = old mans spell - bank robbery vid
434 = old mans spell - same as above
435 = old mans spell - same as above
436 = Redemption prayer
437 = Retribution prayer
438 = miniature dragon fire breath - sprays on your ass
439 = miniature dragon fire breath - sprays out of cock
440 = KBD - Big red ball
441 = Retribution - going upward
442 = Toktz-xil-ul( obby rings ) - projectile
444 = Healing graphic from a monster in fight pits
445 = 3 small fire gets shotting backward
446 = fire coming down from sky ( not as exciting as you think )
447 = another cock blast
448 = meteorite shotting forward
449 = smaller fireball directed forward
450 = even smaller fireball going forward
451 = big meteorite crashing down on you
452 = Onyx Ammy Enchanting?
453 = fire
454 = scanning area - from that quest
455 = Ancients - Backwards Teleport
456 = small splash
457-464 = Butter churns lol
465 = Huge North star-looking thing blinks above head
466 = zombie (splitting in half)
467 = zombie (head falls off)
468 = releasing inner zombie
469 = steam out of ears
470 = small puddle thing
472 = Bow special - WHITE?
473 = Sparkling spinning arrow tip
474 = colorless fireworks heading towards ground?
479 = come kind of special, looks like a small d hally special
480 = big north star thing again
481 = awsome red shock wave under
482 = red rings around you
486 = bunny?
492 = red starts spinning under you
497 = two balls of fire on each side of you
498 = big ball of fire under you
500 = projectile water blast
502 = water bolt contact
503 = graphic from abyss thing
504 = same as above
505 = pink blast under you
506 = bones to bananas graphic i think
507 = Jump marionette = red
508 = Walk marionette = red
509 = Bow marionette = red
510 = Dance marionette = red
511 = Jump marionette = blue
512 = Walk marionette = blue
513 = Bow marionette = blue
514 = Dance marionette = blue
515 = Jump marionette = green
516 = Walk marionette = green
517 = Bow marionette = green
518 = Dance marionette = green
519 = in a door way
520 = bones drop on you
524 = white spikey ball under you?
521 = Same As 520 Dif Color Bones
522 = Same As 520, 521 Dif Color Bones
523 = Same As 520, 521, 522, Dif Color Bones
524 = White Spike Ball Pops
536 = Shadow Crawling <Ancients>
537 = Smoke Projectile <Ancients>
538 = Smoke Rize <Ancients>
539 = Ice Block <Ancients>
540 = Smoke Rize?? <Ancients?>
541 = Green Splash <Small>
542 = Explosion
545 = Barrow With A Lit Fuze
546 = Fuze Lit
547 = Barrow Explode
548 = ???
549 = ???
550 = Green Balls...
551 = Green Balls Spin
552 = Green Balls Sonicly Explode
553 = Red 550
554 = Red Flying
555 = Nothing
556 = MultiColors
557 = MultiColors 2
558 = MultiColors 3
559 = Blood Spell Finish <Ancients?>
560 = Skeleton Chained Up?
563 = Roasting Chicken On Rotater Over Fire
566 = Roasting Pig Same As 563
567 = Smoke Cloud
568 = Flowers above head
569 = Flowers Around Player
570 = Rolling Rock
571 = Buncha Smoke Brown Colored
572 = Hole opens In Ground
573 = 572 shorter
574 = Heart
575 = Blue Sparkles Everywhere
576 = Black Sparkles Everywhere
577 = Mushroom Dude
578 = Huge Mushroom Dude
579 = Weired Fire Ball
580 = Imp Teleport
581 = Couldren Spinning
582 = Explosion
583 = Egg? Crack Open?
584 = Egg? Lid Fall Off
585 = egg
586 = Egg lid
587 = ???
588 = Huge Arrow?
589 = ???
590 = Perminit Book
591 = Perminit Book Vanish
592 = Scroll?
593 = Flowers
594 = Jellow???
595 = IceCream Shake?
596 = Yellow Gay Thing...
599 = Bowl Of Food?
600 = Nothing
601 = White Rings
602 = Cake?
603 = ???

BrenoDate: Sexta, 22 April 2011, 3:27 PM | Mensagem # 3
Grupo: Administrador
Postagens: 87

Recompensas: 3Carregando...
Reputação: 100
Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 17 April 2011!

360-370 - ancients ice spells
370-380 - ancients blood spells
380-390 - ancients shadow/smoke spells

57 - port cullus going down
58 - port cullus lifting up
59 - whirlpool
61 - log on chain swinging lol
155-172 - normal combat spells
245 - stars above head
284 - dragon hally special
435 - electricity thing
346 - explosion
501 - ice thing
392 - ancient magicks teleport!!!
396 - wierd blue spell
393 - wierd fire thing
394 - wierd green thing
395 - wierd ice thing
400 - karils anti agility attack
361 - ice burst failing
363 - ice burst (being attacked)
364 - giant ice block (not in real rs ancient magicks)
365 - giant ice block (not in real rs ancient magicks)
367 - ice blitz (being attacked)
366/368 - ice blitz (casting)
369 - ice barrage
370 - huge ice block (not in real rs ancient magicks


0 - kbd fire
1 - fire
2 - white thing
3 - green thing
4 - purple rays
5 - moving purple rays
6 - sort of like teleporting
7 - sort of like teleporting
8 - vines?
9 - arrow
10 - arrow
11 - arrow
12 - arrow
13 - arrow
14 - arrow
15 - arrow
16 - ice arrow
17 - fire arrow
18 - moving arrow
19 - moving arrow
20 - moving arrow
21 - moving arrow
22 - moving arrow
23 - moving arrow
24 - moving arrow
25 - moving ice arrow
26 - moving fire arrow

GFX list Second

0 = tripple dragon breath
1 = single dragon breath
2 = huge white breath
3 = huge green breath
4 = crap load of purple lines
5 = purple lines again
6 = similar to teleport
7 = small purple dot which gets bigger and then small
8 = vines
18 = iron arrows
19 = bronze arrow
20 = steel arrow
21 = mith arrow
22 = addy arrow
23 = iron again
24 = rune arrow
25 = ice arrow
26 = fire arrow
28 = crossbow bolt
29 = rotten tomatoe #1
30 = rotten tomatoe #2
31 = rotten tomatoe #3
35 = iron throw axe
36 = bronze throw axe
37 = steel throwing axe
38 = mith throwing axe
39 = addy throwing axe
40 = bronze throwing axe
41 = rune throwing axe
49-52 = umm gray vail thing
54 = giant blast
57 = giant cage door down
58 = giant cage door up
60 = rocks falling
61 = giant log swinging
62 = spikes coming out of a wall trap
65 = floor trap (hit)
66 = floor trap
67 = pole shooting throw you
68 = huge splash - water
69 = huge splash - orange
76 = saradomin strike
77 = claws of guthix
78 = flames of zamorak
79 = funny little green things above your head
80 = stun- birds above head
81 = bull roarer
82 = two purple ThInGs in front of you
83 = giant tentical (red)
84 = stars around you
85 = magic spell splash
86 = puff of smoke
87 = red spikes from iban blast
88 = iban blast - projectile skull
89 = iban blast - contact with target
90-101 = standard strike spells, pre-fire, projectile, contact etc.
102-110 = standard 3 basic curse spells, pre-fire, projectile, contact etc.
111 = light teleport
112 = low alchemy
113 = high alchemy
114 = enchant low level necklace
115 = enchant medium level necklace
116 = enchant high level mecklace
117-128 = bolt spell graphics
129-140 = blast spell graphics
141 = bones to bananas
142-144 = telegrab graphics
145-147 = crumble undead graphics
148 = super heat
149 = powering water orb
150 = powering air orb
151 = powering earth orb
152 = powering fire orb
153 = enchant necklace - 1 glow
154 = enchant necklace - 2 glow
155-166 = wave spell graphics
167-174 = high lvl curse spells
176 = exploding vial
177 = bind\snare\entangle
178 = bind\snare\entangle
179 = bind - contact
180 = snare - contact
181 = entangle -contact?
182 = giant gnome cross-bow
183 = giant gnome cross-bow
184 = green puff of smoke
186 = runecrafting graphic
187 = claws of guthix GOLD!!!!!
188 = big puff of smoke
189 = huge puff of smoke
190 = big(er) purple teleport, more oval shaped
191 = massive teleport above head
192 = enchanted vial
193 = enchanted vial
194 = i never tested
195 =
196 =
197 = mad nice blue and black fire
198 = big blue and white wave spell contact
199 = Fireworks
206-211 = javalin graphics
219-225 = throwing knives graphics
232-237 = throwing darts graphics
238 = enchant ring
239 = barrel falling apart
240 = exploding toad
241 = filling toad with bellows
243 = giant ogre arrow
244 = elemental shield appearing
245 = birdies above head
246 = red portal glow
247 = blue purple glow
248 = Dragon Longsword SPECIAL
250 = Magic Longbow SPECIAL
251 = Dragon Mace SPECIAL
252 = Dragon Dagger SPECIAL
253 = Dragon Spear SPECIAL
254 = Stun birdies again, from dragon spear special
255 = green protection graphic
256 = Magic Shortbow SPECIAL
257 = steel throwing axe
258 = Throwing Axe SPECIAL
259 = ^255
263 = smalls stars
264 = smalls stars 2 again ... a little diffirent
265 = ghasts
266 = big green blast
267 = bright green puff
268 = no clue
269 = first contact
270 = karamja agility course poison darts
271 = karamja agility course falling rocks
274 = Rune Claw SPECIAL
275 = big rock flying away
277 = ZZZZzzzzzzZZzzzzzzz sleep
278 = kalphite jaws
279 = smaller kalphite jaws
280 = kalphite mage attk
281 = same as above
282 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - in front
283 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - behind you
284 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - to your left
285 = Dragon Halberd SPECIAL - to your right
286 = tar barrel
287 = WOOOW big explosion
291 = more birdies
292 = flames of zammy darker
293 = white ghost body
301 = light teleport graphic
302 = rocks falling on head
303 = medium sized stone falling
305 = dark grey and greenish blast
306 = Dragon Dagger SPECIAL purple
307 = steel pickaxe goes up
308 = teleport graphic
309 = spinning steel pickaxe
310 = dust cloud around head
311 = two blood red orbs go up then combine
325 = broad arrow drawback
327 = white stuff
328 = slayer dart - projectile
329 = slayer dart - contact
330 = slayer dart - projectile better than above
331 = slayer dart - contact dif colors
332 = Purple portal glow
333 = idk how to explain this one... some red stuff
334 = small green glow
335 = medium green glow
336 = large green glow
337 = white bar
338 = stick goes in air and falls
339 = big splash - magic spell failure
340 = white special attack of somekind
341 = Abyssal Whip SPECIAL
342 = Teleother - person accepts teleport
343 = Teleother - person casts on another player
344 = Teleblock - Projectile
345 = Teleblock - Contact on target
346 = fire blast with a ring around it
347 = Dragon Scimitar SPECIAL
348 = birds
349 = ZZZZzzzzzZZzzzzz sleep (again)
350 = Flock of black birds
351 = zombie jumps in the air and lands and looks forward - this one is funny
352 = zombie laying down - jumps up - lands and looks forward ^funny
353 = white transparent cylinder above head - gay
354 = two puffs of smoke above head, join together and go down body - lol
358 = same as 353
359 = huge air wave - contact
360-361 = Ancients - Ice Rush
362-363 = Ancients - Ice Burst
364 = Ice Burst - big
365 = Ice Burst - bigerER
366-368 = Ancients - Ice Blitz
369 = Ancients - Ice barrage
370 = Ancients - Ice barrage huge
373-377 = Ancients - Blood Spells
378-382 = Ancients - Shadow Spells
383-391 = Ancients - Smoke Spells
392 = Ancients - Teleport
393 = KBD = red projectile
394 = KBD = green projectile
395 = KBD = white projectile
396 = KBD = blue projectile
398 = Guthan Special
399 = Torags Special
400 = Ahrims Special
401 = Karils Special
402 = green puff of smoke
405 = dark green rocks falling
406 = Huge rock falls on you
409 = Abyssal demons teleport
410 = small water drops
412 = Big Apple barrel lol
413 = Big Rotten Apple barrel
414 = Big Apple barrel turns turns to mush
415 = Big rotten apple barrel turns to much
416 = Toad floating and spinning
417 = toad exploding
418 = blue toad floading a spinning
419 = blue toad exploding
420 = red toad spinning
421 = red toad exploding
422 = yellow toad spinning
423 = yellow toad exploding
424 = green toad spinning
425 = green toad exploding
426 = Stars spinning around head
427 = something exploding, small peices
429 = small bright green spell contact
430 = small bright red spell contact
431 = small white spell contact
432 = skeleton dying - bank robbery vid
433 = old mans spell - bank robbery vid
434 = old mans spell - same as above
435 = old mans spell - same as above
436 = Redemption prayer
437 = Retribution prayer
438 = miniature dragon fire breath
439 = miniature dragon fire breath ... LMFAO!!!!
440 = KBD fire
441 = Retribution - going upward
442 = it looks cool... something for tzhaar pits
444 = Healing graphic from a monster in fight pits - HOT!!!
445 = 3 small fire gets shotting backward
*525 -Light bulb?
*526 -Light bulb moving
*527 -Same again but move bit diff
*528 -Same again but move bit diff
*529 -Same again but move bit diff and explodes
*530 -Orange light bulb
*531 -Orange light bulb moving
*532 -Orange light bulb moving diff
*533 -Orange light bulb
*534 -Zombie Hand
*535 -Red glow around you?
*536 -Looks like shadow spells...
*537 -Smoke projectile?
*538 -Blood barrage Hit but black
*539 -Ice barrage
*540 -Ice blitz
*541 -Small green splash
*542 -Explosion with smoke
*543 -Nothing
*544 -Nothing
*545 -Barrel with fuse
*546 -Fuse
*547 -Barrel exploding
*548 -Paper?
*549 -Paper?
*550 -Green balls
*551 -Green balls Projectile
*552 -Green balls Hit?
*553 -Red balls
*554 -Red balls Projectile
*555 -Red balls Hit?
*556 -No idea.
*557 -Colorfull swirl? Still no idea.
*558 -Same again, but bigger
*559 -Looks Like dragon 2h special
*560 -Skeleton?
*561 -Bowl on ground?
*562 -BBQ!!! (cooking)
*563 -lol same but raw (cooking)
*564 -Same again(cooking)
*565 -Same again with something big on it (cooking)
*566 -Same again (cooking)
*567 -Smoke poof, then falls down
*568 -Pink flowers
*569 -Bigger Pink flowers, all around you!
*570 -Rofl wtf?
*571 -Brown dust
*572 -Hole under you
*573 -Same again
*574 -Hearth <3
*575 -Blue sparks
*576 -Black sparks
*577 -Mushroom comes alive to slayer monster.. forgot name
*578 -Same but bigger
*579 -Real dragon fire i belive
*580 -poof...
*581 -Black rotating ball
*582 -A explosion..?
*583 -Egg hatch
*584 -Egg hatch
*585 -Egg hatch
*586 -Egg hatch
*587 -Pumping toad
*588 -Wolfbone arrow
*589 -Something rotating on ground
*590 -Book opens on ground
*591 -What the hell? Ghost coming upp and getting bigger *poof *
*592 -Idk.. something rotating
*593 -Rotating donuts?
*594 -Somthing red rotating
*595 -A red glas rotating
*596 -yellow thing on ground
*597 -Somthing rotating?
*598 -Purple pounch on ground?
*599 -Something on ground
*600 -Something on ground
*601 -White rings around you
*602 -Cake on ground
*603 -Not sure.. small bubble?
*604 -Something light swirl around you
*605 -Blue ?sound waves?
*606 -Rings around you, goes up and down
*607 -Soul leaves body?
*608 -A NPC crumbles to dust
*609 -No idea.
*610 -A colorfull cube falls down and opens
*611 -Reverse of 610
*612 -Ring (PoH?)
*613 -Dart projectile, POH i think
*614 -Arrow projectile, POH?
*615 -Spikes comes from ground(POH trap?)
*616 -A trap (POH?)
*617 -Root trap
*618 -Root trap holds you
*619 -Same again
*620 -Something white small tings on ground
*621 -Same, but moving different
*622 -Huge brown splash
*623 -Stars swirl around you
*624 -Bones on gilded altar
*625 -Green svamp bubbles
*626 -Portal
*627 -Something big yellow?
*628 -Nothing
*629 -Splash
*630 -Takes a while, then a red dragon comes and swirlw around you
*631 -Red dragon head at feets
*632 -The boss in the quest where you go into the rift at digsite.. forgot name
*633 -Small blue glow poof
*634 -Same again , but bigger
*635 -Same once again but even bigger
*636 -Small purple glow, poof
*637 -Same again
*638 -Same again but bigger
*639 -Purple glow again
*640 -Same again
*641 -Same again
*642 -Blue birds around you
*643 -Small birds
*644 -Something falls apart
*645 -Bunny jump s
*646 -Idk.?
*647 -Torcher Projectile
*648 -Torcher Hit
*649 -Splatter explosion
*650 -Splatter explosion
*651 -Splatter explosion
*652 -Splatter explosion
*653 -Splatter explosion
*654 -Shifter teleportion portal
*655 -Delifer(the one who shoots spikes at PC)
*656 -Nothing
*657 -Delifer Spike Projectile
*658 -Spinner healing
*659 -Lava in wildernes(chaos altar, when it its ground)
*660 -Fire projectile from lava in wild
*661 -Nothing
*662 -Bubbles
*663 -Stone toss?
*664 -A pot which ?explodes? and the lid flying up
*665 -Nothing
*666 -Random event ?Evil twin? Crane
*667 -Nothing
*668 -Smoke rings ?
*669 -A lift(Up)
*670 -A Lift (down)
*671 -Light from below
*672 -A stone comes rolling and falls down
*673 -A stone comes rolling and falls down
*674 -A stone comes rolling and falls down
*675 -A stone comes rolling and falls down
*676 -Light-blue strike Projectile
*677 -Ligt-blue strike Hit
*678 -Break tablet gfx
*679 -Rotating spiky ball(Projectile maybe)
*680 -Rotating anvil(Projectile maybe?
*681 -Something small rotating
*682 -Something Orange rotating
*683 -Yellow streaming up on the player
*684 -Barrels falling down
*685 -Barrels falling down
*686 -Barrels falling down
*687 -Two barrels Falling down
*688 -One barrel Falling down
*689 -Somke puffs
*690 -Nothing
*691 -H.A.M member fade away
*692 -Bowl drops and hits ground ,then glimmer around you
*693 -Goblin is in a box and closes it(death to dorgeshuunt?)
*694 -Dorgeshuun bone c'bow
*695 -Jacket with with weapon in it?
*696 -Nothing
*697 -Bone bow reload
*698 -Nothing
*699 -Bone bow special
*700 -Takes a while then a smoke puff
*701 -Machine part rotating
*702 -Machine part rotating
*703 -Machine part rotating
*704 -Red special attack?
*705 -No idea.
*706 -Stone toss?
*707 -Stone toss hit?
*708 -Steam?
*709 -Monkey jump up on you then continues
*710 -Blue Monkey jump on you then continues
*711 -Bubbels
*712 -Lamp (Idea emote)
*713 -No idea.
*714 -Takes a while then blue ?*? comes around you
*715 -A cool star teleportion (Lunar?)
*716 -Onion?
*717 -Redberry?
*718 -Grass?
*719 -Steam with bubbles?
*720 -Flashing skeleton
*721 -Ball comes from sky and hits you then stretch?
*722 -Purple ball stretching (lunar magic? Not sure.)
*723 -Fill Vials with water spell?
*724 -Yellow drippels
*725 -Vengeance other
*726 -Vengeance
*727 -A lunar spell?
*728 -Another lunar spell?
*729 -Lunar spell?
*730 -Lunar spell?
*731 -Lunar spell?
*732 -Lunar spell?
*733 -Lunar?
*734 -Lunar spel?
*735 -White ball streches(Lunar?)
*736 -Lunar spell?
*737 -Yellow ball (Lunar ?)
*738 -Lunar spell?
*739 -White ball streches(Lunar?)
*740 -Purple/Red ball(Lunar?)
*741 -White ball streches(Lunar?)
*742 -Lunar spell? Same as some above
*743 -Blue ball(Lunar?)
*744 -Lunar? *sigh *
*745 -Lunar? *sigh *
*746 -Lunar spell? Orange.
*747 -Teleport?
*748 -Lunar spel? (Might be enchant bolt all those ?Lunar spells?)
*749 -Opal bolt special
*750 -Sapphire bolt special
*751 -Diamond bolt special(no but something simillar?
*752 -Emerald bolt special
*753 -Onyx bolt special
*754 -Ruby bolt special
*755 -? bolt special
*756 -Dragon bolt special
*757 -Monster hands from ground.. ? Bolt special?
*758 -Diamond bolt special
*759 -Bolt enchant spell?
*760 -Mithril grapple
*761 -Mithril grapple + another? Idk
*762 -Nothing
*763 -Low alch (staff?)
*764 -High alch(staff?)
*765 -No idea, cube?
*766 -Same thing as above :S
*767 -Hole under you opens and a big thing eats you?
*768 -Flower shoots bubbles?
*769 -Hole under you opens and a big thing.. reverse
*770 -A paper which start to burn
*771 -Cabbage toss?
*772 -Cabbage projectile
*773 -Cabbage hits soup(quest)
*774 -Erhm?
*775 -Nothing
*776 -Blue rings around you
*777 -Not sure..
*778 -Little star above you?
*779 -Blubble
*780 -Bubble floating
*781 -Blubble disappears
*782 -Stone projectile
*783 -Stone hit
*784 -Light, teleport?
*785 -Light teleport end?
*786 -Same again
*787 -Light ball
*788 -No idea
*789 -No idea
*790 -Something falls and breaks...
*791 -A twig falls and get picked up again?
*792 -Green slime or bubbles
*793 -Green bubble/slime pops
*794 -Green bubble
*795 -Same as 793
*796 -Green explosion?
*797 -Bdark smoke? Idk
*798 -I don't know.
*799 -A ball with light?
*800 -Home teleport(a part of it?)
*346 -Fire explosion
*347 -Dragon scimentar special
*348 -Yellow birds ?Stun?
*349 -Zzzz Sleeping
*350 -Black bats
*351 -Vampire jumps on something
*352 -Vampire again
*353 -Soul?
*354 -Smoke poof
*355 -Small tree growing
*356 -Roots growing
*357 -Fire
*358 -Soul thing again?
*359 -White blast
*360 -Ice rush Projectile
*361 -Ice rush Hit
*362 -Ice burst Projectile
*363 -Ice burst Hit
*364 -Big ice burst
*365 -Giant ice burst
*366 -Ice blitz
*367 -Ice blitx Hit
*368 -Ice barrage
*369 -Ice barrage Hit
*370 -Big ice barrage
*371 -Giant ice barrage
*372 -Blood rush Projectile
*373 -Blood rush Hit
*374 -Blood burst Projectile
*375 -Blood blitz Hit
*376 -Blood burst Hit
*377 -Blood barrage Hit
*378 -Shadow rush Projectile
*379 -Shadow rush Hit
*380 -Shadow burst Projectile
*381 -Shadow Hit
*382 -Shadow Burst Hit
*383 -Shadow Barrage Hit
*384 -Smoke rush projectile
*385 -Smoke Hit
*386 -Smoke Projectile
*387 -Smoke Hit
*388 -Smoke Hit
*389 -Smoke Hit (not sure which..)
*390 -Smoke Hit
*391 -Smoke Hit(..)
*392 -Ancients Teleport
*393 -KBD fire Attack
*394 -KBD poison Attack
*395 -KBD breath Attack
*396 -KBD freeze Attack
*397 -Smal green slime?
*398 -Guthan effect
*399 -Torag effect
*400 -Karil effect
*401 -Karil effect again?
*402 -Another green smoke poof
*403 -Big arrow thing
*404 -Nothing
*405 -Grey rocks falling down from above
*406 -Big grey rock falls from above
*407 -Nothing
*408 -Nothing
*409 -Purple Orb or something..
*410 -Nothing
*411 -Nothing
*412 -Barrel with apples in it
*413 -Barrel with rotten apples in it
*414 -Barrel with apples, turns into a liquid?
*415 -Barrel with rotten apples, turn into a liquid?
*416 -Green rotating thing, frog?
*417 -Something green splashes
*418 -Blue rotating thing, frog?
*419 -Something blue splashes
*420 -Red rotating thing, frog?
*421 -Something red splashes
*422 -Yellow rotating thing, frog?
*423 -Something yellow splashes
*424 -Something green rotating thing again..
*425 -Green splash again...
*426 -Three yellow stars rotating around you
*427 -Something small wooden thing blows up
*428 -Blue tribe face? Idk
*429 -Green round thing,explode
*430 -Orange round thing, explode
*431 -White round thing, explode
*432 -Skeleton dies
*433 -KQ magic attack i think
*434 -Same as above
*435 -Same again
*436 -Redemption
*437 -Retribution
*438 -Dragon fire Projectile
*439 -Dragon fire
*440 -Big fire Projectile
*441 -Retribution reverse( Jad attack?)
*442 -Obby ring Projectile
*443 -Nothing
*444 -Fight caves Healing
*445 -Tiny fire
*446 -Fire comes from above
*447 -Small flame
*448 -Flame Projectile
*449 -Smaller flame Projectile
*450 -Even smaller flame Projectile
*451 -Jad range attack?
*452 -Enchant nec?
*453 -Fire burning
*454 -Bowl getting lifted from ground(looks a bit like fishbowl)
*455 -Ancients Teleport Reverse
*456 -Small blue splash
*457 -Butter curn
*458 -Curn
*459 -Curn
*460 -Curn
*461 -Curn
*462 -Curn
*463 -Curn...
*464 -Curn...
*465 -A music note flashing once in air
*466 -A Npc splits on half
*467 -A npc drops its head
*468 -A Npc falls
*469 -Angry smoke from ears
*470 -Green bubbles in ground
*471 -Nothing
*472 -A white glowing arrow pullback
*473 -Spike Projectile
*474 -Something gets hit(maybe from Spike Projectile)
*475 -Green thing on ground
*476 -Light green thing on ground
*477 -Blue swirl, looks bit cool
*478 -Nothing
*479 -Long red (special?) attack
*480 -Music note flash once in air again
*481 -Fire wave on ground
*482 -Red rings around you
*483 -A black special attack? Ends in a star.
*484 -Purple bubbles
*485 -Same as above
*486 -Little creature soul with wings?
*487 -Wooden stick?
*488 -Green ball flies around you, then crashes into you.
*489 -Green stars falling?
*490 -Something get throwed
*491 -Nothing
*492 -Small red ?+? swirl...
*493 -Hard to say what it is.. something small..
*494 -Hard to see what it is...
*495 -Something wierd gets threwd away?
*496 -Skull rotating(Projectile?)
*497 -Something red(a ball )
*498 -Dragon fire?
*499 -Blue ball, flying from ground
*500 -Blue (spell?) projectile
*501 -Blue.. shield?
*502 -Blue spell ?bolt? hit
*503 -Ball glowing?
*504 -Same as above
*505 -Pink spell hit
*506 -Explosion with smoke
*507 -Haloween doll red ?jump?
*508 -Haloween doll red ?walk?
*509 -Haloween doll red ?bow?
*510 -Haloween doll red ?dance??
*511 -Haloween doll blue ?jump
*512 -Haloween doll blue ?walk?
*513 -Haloween doll blue ?bow?
*514 -Haloween doll blue ?dance??
*515 -Haloween doll green ?Jump?
*516 -Haloween doll green ?walk?
*517 -Haloween doll green ?bow?
*518 -Haloween doll green ?dance??
*519 -Glowing door
*520 -Bones coming out from a portal(above) mage arena
*521 -Same again
*522 -Same again
*523 -Same again
*524 -White hit spikes?

08 GFX list 1-800 Made by Apower @Rune-server
Terms Of Use
You must give me(Apower) credits if you modify and give to someone else.
You must not take credits for any GFX ids.
You are not allowed to Post this on another site than Rune-Server.
IF I see this on other site than Rune-server and/or somewhere else without my credits I wont release full list when it is done.

I know the "Lunar spells" is prob enchant bolts(Did not bother editing..)

Enjoy this list!

*1 -Nothing
*2 -Nothing
*3 -Nothing
*4 -Purple thing around you
*5 -Purple thing around you again, but moving
*6 -Purple portal under your feet?
*7 -Giant purple glow
*8 -Plant entangle? :/
*9 -Nothing
*10 -Nothing
*11 -Nothing
*12 -Nothing
*13 -Nothing
*14 -Nothing
*15 -Nothing
*16 -Nothing
*17 -Nothing
*18 -Iron arrow pullback
*19 -Bronze arrow pullback
*20 -Steel arrow pullback
*21 -Mith arrow pullback
*22 -Addy arrow pullback
*23 -Black arrow pullback
*24 -Rune arrow pullback
*25 -Ice arrow pullback
*26 -Fire arrow pullback
*27 -Nothing
*28 -Nothing
*29 -Baked potato rotating?
*30 -Baked potato popping yup from ground?
*31 -Small brown splash under feet
*32 -Nothing
*33 -Stone throw? Idk.
*34 -Nothing
*35 -Iron throwing axe
*36 -Bronze throwing axe
*37 -Steel throwing axe
*38 -Mith throwing axe
*39 -Addy throwing axe
*40 -Black throwing axe
*41 -Rune throwing axe
*42 -Iron throwing axe[throw]
*43 -Bronze throwing axe[throw]
*44 -Steel throwing axe[throw]
*45 -Mith throwing axe[throw]
*46 -Addy throwing axe[throw]
*47 -Black throwing axe[throw]
*48 -Rune throwing axe[throw]
*49 -Flying Vial
*50 -Vial throw
*51 -Vial Hits ground and breakes
*52 -Another vial throw?
*53 -Nothing
*54 -Small flame? Not sure.
*55 -Flying ball, gnome ball maybe?
*56 -Wierd sword attack?
*57 -Large Castle gates(Close)
*58 -Large Castle gates(Open)
*59 -Whirlpool
*60 -Rocks falling from above(trap)
*61 -Stock swings from above(trap)
*62 -Spike trap(wall)
*63 -Spike Trap(ground)
*64 -Spike Trap(ground) reverse
*65 -Spike Trap(ground) from both sides and smaller
*66 -Spike Trap(ground) reverse from pervious gfx
*67 -Wierd Pink pole coming from back?
*68 -Hude blue splash
*69 -Huge orange splash
*70 -Nothing
*71 -Earth wave blast but darker
*72 -Bird flying above head
*73 -Green smoke-a-like thing under feets
*74 -Rocks falling from above(trap)
*75 -Nothing
*76 -Saradomin Strike
*77 -Claws of Guthix
*78 -Flames of Zamorak
*79 -Three green balls, something to do with guthix?
*80 -Yellow birds ?Stun?
*81 -Spoon spinning? Lol.
*82 -Nothing
*83 -Red spike from ground, from a quest?
*84 -Blue sparks around you
*85 -Magic fail splash
*86 -Imp ?poof? teleport
*87 -Iban blast
*88 -Iban blast[skull]
*89 -Iblan blast[skull blasting]
*90 -Wind strike
*91 -Wind strike Projectile
*92 -Wind strike Hit
*93 -Water strike
*94 -Water strike Projectile
*95 -Water strike Hit
*96 -Earth strike
*97 -Earth strike Projectile
*98 -Earth strike Hit
*99 -Fire strike
*100 -Fire strike Projectile
*101 -Fire strike Hit
*102 -Confuse
*103 -Confuse Projectile
*104 -Confuse Hit
*105 -Weaken
*106 -Weaken Projectile
*107 -Weaken Hit
*108 -Curse
*109 -Curse Projectile
*110 -Curse Hit
*111 -Low alch
*112 -Low alch
*113 -High alch
*114 -Enchanting nec?
*115 -Enchanting nec?
*116 -Enchanting nec?
*117 -Wind bolt
*118 -Wind bolt Projectile
*119 -Wind bolt Hit
*120 -Water bolt
*121 -Water bolt Projectile
*122 -Water bolt Hit
*123 -Earth bolt
*124 -Earth bolt Projectile
*125 -Earth bolt Hit
*126 -Fire bolt
*127 -Fire bolt Projectile
*128 -Fire bolt Hit
*129 -Fire blast
*130 -Fire blast Projectile
*131 -Fire blast Hit
*132 -Wind blast
*133 -Wind blast Projectile
*134 -Wind blast Hit
*135 -Water blast
*136 -Water blast Projectile
*137 -Water blast Hit
*138 -Earth blast
*139 -Earth blast Projectile
*140 -Earth blast Hit
*141 -Bones to bananas
*142 -Telegrab
*143 -Telegrab Projectile
*144 -Telegrab Hit
*145 -Crumble undead
*146 -Crumble undead Projectile
*147 -Crumble undead Hit
*148 -Enchanting?
*149 -Enchanting?
*150 -Enchanting?
*151 -Enchanting?
*152 -Enchanting?
*153 -Enchanting nec?
*154 -Enchanting nec?
*155 -Fire wave
*156 -Fire wave Projectile
*157 -Fire wave Hit
*158 -Wind wave
*159 -Wind wave Projectile
*160 -Wind wave Hit
*161 -Water wave
*162 -Water wave Projectile
*163 -Water wave Hit
*164 -Earth wave
*165 -Earth wave Projectile
*166 -Earth wave Hit
*167 -Vulnerability
*168 -Vulnearability Projectile
*169 -Vulnearabilirt Hit
*170 -Enfeeble
*171 -Enfeeble Projectile
*172 -Enfeelble Hit
*173 -Stun
*174 -Stun Projectile
*175 -Stun Hit
*176 -Vial explode in hands(idk if its a spell)
*177 -Bind
*178 -Bind Projectile
*179 -Bind Hit
*180 -Snare Hit
*181 -Entangle Hit
*182 -Spear flying
*183 -Spear breaks?
*184 -Green smoke poof!
*185 -Wind blast Projectile? Or maybe Cosmic Altar projectiles.
*186 -Runecrafting
*187 -Golden fist of guthix
*188 -Smoke *poof*
*189 -Bigger smoke *poof*
*190 -Giant purple ?poof?
*191 -Giant purple ball above head
*192 -Flying vial[blue]
*193 -Throwing vial[blue]
*194 -Dark spell
*195 -Dark spell Projectile
*196 -Dark spell Hit
*197 -Dark flames from ground, old kbd?
*198 -Light blue wave hit
*199 -Levelup Fireworks
*200 -Nothing
*201 -Nothing
*202 -Nothing
*203 -Nothing
*204 -Nothing
*205 -Nothing
*206 -Bronze Javelin[throw]
*207 -Iron Javelin[throw]
*208 -Steel Javelin[throw]
*209 -Mith Javelin[throw]
*210 -Addy Javelin[throw]
*211 -Rune Javelin[throw]
*212 -Nothing
*213 -Nothing
*214 -Nothing
*215 -Nothing
*216 -Nothing
*217 -Nothing
*218 -Nothing
*219 -Bronze knife[throw]
*220 -Iron knife[throw]
*221 -Steel knife[throw]
*222 -Black knife[throw]
*223 -Mith knife[throw]
*224 -Addy knife[throw]
*225 -Rune knife[throw]
*226 -Nothing
*227 -Nothing
*228 -Nothing
*229 -Nothing
*230 -Nothing
*231 -Nothing
*232 -Bronze Dart[throw]
*233 -Iron Dart[throw]
*234 -Steel Dart[throw]
*235 -Mith Dart[throw]
*236 -Addy Dart[throw]
*237 -Rune Dart[throw]
*238 -White glow, a spell i belive?
*239 -Barrel around you and breakes apart
*240 -Something green exploding on your feet
*241 -Idk what is is called, blows air on fire to make it heater? ..
*242 -Nothing
*243 -Petty big arrow pullback, wolfbone?
*244 -Elemental shield
*245 -Yellow stun birds
*246 -Red glow around you, Dragon battleaxe spec?
*247 -Blue glow around you, excalibur spec?
*248 -Dragon Long special
*249 -Nothing
*250 -Magic bow special
*251 -Dragon Mace special
*252 -Dragon Dagger special
*253 -Dragon Spear special
*254 -Yellow stun birds
*255 -Green egg shield around you
*256 -Magic shortbow special?
*257 -Throwing axe special[throw]?
*258 -Rune Throwing axe special projectile
*259 -Yellow egg shield around you
*260 -Mushroom grows at your feet
*261 -Small pears or apples around you?
*262 -A twig with green leaf growing
*263 -The blessed sickle operate
*264 -Something do to with the sickle(b)
*265 -Ghast dieinng
*266 -Svamp effect ?green blast?
*267 -Green poof maybe svamp effect, not sure.
*268 -Green spell not sure which.
*269 -Green spell hit
*270 -Agility Darts
*271 -Rock falling from above (agility)
*272 -Red soft around you looks like +
*273 -Black dart[throw]
*274 -Rune claw special?
*275 -Swining rock around body?
*276 -Nothing
*277 -Zzzz Sleeping
*278 -Wierd thunder
*279 -Thunder again?
*280 -Thunder Projectile (KQ maybe)
*281 -KQ attack I think
*282 -Dragon halbred special
*283 -Dragon halbred special again?
*284 -Dragon halbred once again?
*285 -More dragon halbred special?
*286 -Rolling barrel, with smoke
*287 -Boom, big explosion
*288 -Nothing
*289 -Nothing
*290 -A club?
*291 -Yellow birds ?Stun?
*292 -Fire
*293 -Soul release
*294 -Nothing
*295 -Nothing
*296 -Nothing
*297 -Nothing
*298 -Nothing
*299 -Nothing
*300 -Nothing
*301 -Modern Teleport
*302 -Rocks falling from above
*303 -One rock falling from above
*304 -Nothing
*305 -Dark green blast
*306 -Purple Dragon dagger spec
*307 -Pickeraxe (when npc comes alive)
*308 -Modern Teleport
*309 -Flying rotating pickeraxe
*310 -Green smoke
*311 -A red spell, Enchant or something?
*312 -Nothing
*313 -Nothing
*314 -Nothing
*315 -Nothing
*316 -Nothing
*317 -Nothing
*318 -Nothing
*319 -Nothing
*320 -Nothing
*321 -Nothing
*322 -Nothing
*323 -Nothing
*324 -Nothing
*325 -Big arrow pullback
*326 -Nothing
*327 -Something white glimmer?
*328 -Magic dart
*329 -Magic dart Hit
*330 -Magic dart
*331 -Magic dart Hit
*332 -Purple glow
*333 -Something red from below, shield?
*334 -Small green explosion
*335 -Bigger small green explosion
*336 -Same as 335
*337 -Blue wave attack, like a sound attack?
*338 -Fetch twig
*339 -Magic splash
*340 -Like dragon halbred special but green
*341 -Whip special
*342 -Teleother
*343 -teleother(caster)
*344 -Teleblock
*345 -Teleblock(reciver)

gfx 165/166 - blue bubble thing
gfx 371 - huge ice barrage
gfx 1743/1744 - white lines make barrier
gfx 1825 - squirt if you do anim 2756
gfx 1830 - white egg explosion
gfx 1896/1898 - book of emo? Wicked black stuff
gfx 1909/1910 - black circle cut by purple
gfx 2764 - seismic boom
gfx 2766 - blow up an???
gfx 2776 - gas blow up
gfx 2788 - icy wind storm?
gfx 2791 - circles come down
gfx 2792 - wicked fireworks
gfx 2794 - weird red power up?
gfx 2793 - mix of everything
gfx 2795 - lighting
gfx 2798 - purple epic!
gfx 2801 - explosion
gfx 2802 - green scatter
gfx 2815 - explosion!
gfx 1891 - electrocution
gfx 2816/2817 - purple top two lines thing/get's rid of them
gfx 2844-2845 put them together and omg
gfx 2846 - yellow ball then huge white wind up?
gfx 2856 - brown splat on person in front
gfx 2865 - lazer beem eyes? not that cool
gfx 2867 - monster hits the floor, huge wind blow
gfx 2869/2870 - blue/black smoke cloud!
gfx 2871 - sort of fireworks shooting up, nothing much
gfx 2873 - blue ball explosion, in horizontal line
gfx 2876 - sword swipe, very large on those in front
gfx 2015 - blue thingy, sort of explodes
gfx 2019 - purple lightning thing
gfx 2021 - purple shield wrap around thing
gfx 2029 - monster comes, roars, dies
gfx 2036 - Easter egg
gfx 2039 - cloud drops crap on you
gfx 2047 - white thing all around you
gfx 2051 - lightning on you
gfx 2101 - electrocuted
gfx 2124 - wind up in air
gfx 2128 - wind up on you shield
gfx 2140 - small explosion
gfx 2169 - wicked white thingy
gfx 2168/2167 - wicked white thing
gfx 2211 - rainbow thing come down on you

EusoubrDate: Sábado, 23 April 2011, 5:38 PM | Mensagem # 4
Grupo: Membro Especial
Postagens: 1

Recompensas: 0Carregando...
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Estou no Hell Army desde 22 April 2011!
BrenoDate: Sábado, 23 April 2011, 5:43 PM | Mensagem # 5
Grupo: Administrador
Postagens: 87

Recompensas: 3Carregando...
Reputação: 100
Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 17 April 2011!

YahooDate: Domingo, 24 April 2011, 0:06 AM | Mensagem # 6
Grupo: Membro
Postagens: 5

Recompensas: 0Carregando...
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Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 18 April 2011!
euu Tenho alguns anims pra passar smile

Anim 330
anim 600
anim 4117
anim 4111
anim 4112
anim 4113
anim 4114
anim 4118
anim 4116
anim 4119

gfx 370
gfx 2176
gfx 165
gfx 370
gfx 1927

k7cheaterDate: Segunda, 16 May 2011, 1:57 AM | Mensagem # 7
Grupo: Membro
Postagens: 2

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Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 16 May 2011!
marbis20Date: Sábado, 21 May 2011, 6:24 PM | Mensagem # 8
Grupo: Membro
Postagens: 1

Recompensas: 0Carregando...
Reputação: 0
Status: Offline

Estou no Hell Army desde 20 May 2011!
ou eu tenho uma parte do anim 330 que e a subida o anim 331 e a descida
ok smile

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